Algona and Irvington Presbyterian Churches

These pages are taking the place of our monthly Newsletters. All of the information that was in our Newsletters is now available to you from this page. To see the pages under “Happenings” use your cursor and just ‘hover’ over the “Happenings” word on the top menu. You’ll then see a list of pages that you can click on. These pages to get you to all of this information:

– Click the “For Your Information” page to see what’s new and to get contact information for upcoming events.

– Click the “Calendar” page to see upcoming events in the calendar by month.

– Click the “Weekly Volunteers” page to see who will be helping to lead worship at the Algona church in the next few weeks.

– Click the “Session Highlights” page to see what actions Session has taken over the last few months.

– Click the “Correspondence” page to see who has been touched by our outreach recently.

By using these pages, you should be able to find out all that is going on in our churches. If you have items to add, either events or calendar info, please contact Kim and we will be sure to include them!