I begin with a question. What does it mean to serve God? One might answer that serving God finds one attending church regularly, placing a monetary gift in the offering plate, and by being friendly, good and kind to others. Is there more to serving God?

     A few days ago I saw the following on an area church marquee: “It’s impossible to serve God without serving one another.”  

     I find this statement thought provoking. Is this an aspect of serving God that we don’t think about as often or more importantly engage in? If we desire to be disciples of Christ, this is exactly what we are to do: serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ motivated by God’s love for us. A love so great that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die on the cross for our sins so that we could have the assurance that are sins were forgiven and that we will have an eternal home with Him when we draw our last breath of earthly air.

     What are we doing to serve one another? Several opportunities within our church come to mine.  Our annual waffle feed at the Algona First Presbyterian Church is coming up on February 28. There will be many things that will have to be done. Why not volunteer to help? Have you volunteered to help prepare and serve a meal on Wednesday evenings prior to worship? Have you volunteered to go to Bertha Godfrey School to participate in the Triple-E program during which you have the pleasure of working with Bertha Godfrey students, helping them develop their educational skills. Those who have participated have found tremendous satisfaction in reading to the students, having them read to you, or playing educational games while re-enforcing the idea that somebody cares about them. For some reason our interest and participation in that program has waned. All of the above examples are wonderful opportunities to serve God by serving others.

     Bottom line: Are you serving God by being engaged with members of our church family and community? By being involved and serving others you are developing and strengthening your relationship with God and others. Relationships that will serve as a source of blessing for you and those you are serving. As Christian disciples we are not to be isolationists but active participants in the opportunities for service that God provides. 

     God’s Blessings to you all, Pastor Walt